In industries as young as cannabis, the tides of change can be both energizing and challenging. The core lesson, echoing from thought leaders and networking champions, is clear: Conversation is the cornerstone of transformation. Here, at this crossroads of policy reformation and manufacturing power, let's delve into the impact of conversation on shaping cannabis futures.

A Leader's Open Door: More Than a Policy

Kevin Kuethe's open-door policy isn't just a feel-good office initiative. It’s a potent driver of innovation, infused with the very soul of his company, Lume Cannabis. Kevin's simple act of inviting employees to share their thoughts, one direct conversation at a time, has proven to be a collection of game-changing grassroots insights. Kevin has witnessed these 15–30-minute sessions, from sustainable practices to the latest technologies, spark priceless ideas that propel Lume forward.

Fostering a culture where dialogue is not just encouraged but celebrated has allowed Lume's team to voice their innovative solutions to challenges that, often, standard corporate procedures might silence. The results are as precise as Kevin's open door, showcasing the direct link between open discourse and Lume's progressive, people-first approach.

The Ripple Effect of Effective Networking

Armed with boldness and business cards, we dove into the vibrant sea of networking events that #MJBIZCON is famed for. Many of the folks we talked to would be ideal candidates in many manufacturing sectors, able to introduce their MJ know-how to clients without industry knowledge. These candidates bring a whole market with them!

  • John* and I met while recruiting for a CEO. He has 25 years of manufacturing experience across several industries: Aerospace, Shipbuilding, Oil & Gas, automotive, process automation, and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). He worked at an automation business for eight years and was promoted from managing director to CEO. I was impressed with his knack for understanding products, how to expand into both parallel product markets – and how to leverage that.
    • He is a hands-on executive, which we witnessed while visiting MJBizCon. John was manning the booth as a front-line sales executive. He told us he received over 100 business referrals during the three-day event. His love for customer interaction impressed me.
    • The company currently employs 120 people and is active across several sectors, including Tobacco, Legal Cannabis, Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Food and Beverage. They manufacture custom packaging and automation machinery solutions. The solutions vary from factory to factory but could be anything from integrating or adapting machinery to implementing a fully robotic solution. They also design and build conveyor systems to assist in integrating machines.
    • As CEO, John grew the company from £10M to £25M today.
    • We spoke about continuous improvement. He advised he is a disciple of CI. He informed us he mapped every business process with a cross-functional team to identify significant areas of waste and inefficiency, collected 60 business improvement ideas, and constituted 9 CI projects.
    • John led his business as the first to market with a pre-roll (pre-rolled cannabis joints, aka pre-rolls) machine innovation featured at MJBizCon. Other standard cannabis packaging machinery they produce includes tax stamping, wrapping, cartoning, cone filling, and overwrapping (like this product).

*Not his real name, to protect his employment.

Engineering the Cannabis Market's Future

The report by Flowhub paints a vivid picture of the cannabis market's skyrocketing path, forecasting a $30 billion future. But what about the untold stories of the engineers and executives who ensure this leap isn't just a burst but a sustained flight? These folks are pioneering lean thinking principles, streamlining operations, and ensuring that the predicted growth can be maintained.

President of Method Testing Labs, Rob Radke took the podium to preach the virtues of lean thinking, and his words resonated profoundly. Lean isn't just a manufacturing philosophy; it's a call to arms for the cannabis industry to cut the fat, wield innovation, and herald a more efficient—and ethical—future. As cannabis transcends regulatory hurdles, leaning into these philosophies ensures that we grow in scale and substance, embodying the culture of a truly sustainable industry.

In Conclusion: Conversations Are Our Currencies

As we journey deeper into the frontiers of the cannabis industry, it's evident that open dialogue, networking, and lean principles are more than just buzzwords—they're blueprints for success. They reflect a collective commitment to foster a system where every voice, every connection, and every efficiency contribute to elevating shared ambitions.

The cannabis industry is not just about growing herbs; it's about cultivating a culture of openness that allows us to bloom in ways we have yet to imagine. From Kevin's intimate discussions at Lume to John's on-the-ground networking acumen, we are not simply having conversations; they're creating dialogues that are cultivating change.

Let’s continue these conversations, build on these success stories, and together, reimagine a cannabis industry marked not just by its growth but by the meaningful transformation that we nurture within our own ranks. The future of cannabis is an open dialogue waiting for you to contribute your chapter.


** Possessing, using, distributing, and/or selling marijuana or marijuana-based products is illegal under federal law, regardless of any state law that may legalize or decriminalize such activity under certain circumstances. **